


The tree in its natural form and with its components  -roots, trunk, branch and leaf- is recreated as an abstracted object of art.

Vertical and spiral-formed twists and bendings of light branches shape a braided sculpture of a tree. The artificial tree is nurtured from the ground, just like natural trees, though using light as its only source. A modern interpretation of how technology and nature can blend in with each other.

The challenge of the draft was to let the shape and elements remain recognizable.
The tree’s morphology is ultimately represented by an exposed rootstock, the anchoring in the ground, the trunk as bearing web and the forking of branches.



Location: Graz, Austria
Type: Competition public art for Resource Light
Art field: Sculpture, Light installation
Year: 2016
Art Director: Ferdinand Facklam
Concept: Ferdinand Facklam, Marina Konstantatou
Computational Designer: Marina Konstantatou
Lighting Designer: Julia Tervoort
Visualization: Bloomimages
Photographs: Paul Ott